Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wishful thinking is simply nothing more than that

There are mornings when Babygirl decides to wake up at some despicable hour, well not really, but earlier and hour or half hour earlier than normal. Then again on Sun AM's anything before 9am is despicable. Lately Babygirl is good to wake up 7-7:30AM window, everyday. There are always those AM's when she decides 5AM seems like a great time to start asking for a bottle, or 6AM when she just start crying because she wants out of her crib.

Well this AM it was 6AM, when she was crying, and was not going to soothe her own self back to bed. It turns out these chilly overnights make it chilly for Babygirl who doesn't believe in blankets yet, despite dressing her in warm clothes (if only she believed in wearing hats to bed like she did a year ago, sigh). Well after rocking her back to sleep, I laid her down back in bed, and not even 20mins later, she was back up stating she had a "poopy" diaper, and also needed a bottle, since she was so thirsty.

After all that, she had no interest to go back to sleep, and Babydaddy had no interest in staying up. So in my mind, despite knowing the likely outcome, decided to bring Babygirl to bed with Babymamma and I. Lets just say Babymama and I have tried this numerous time in the last 6 months and she's never once gone back to sleep with us. Of course I think, she's a bit older than the last time, and I'm just as tired, so in my wishful thoughts I think, ya she'll fall asleep, especially when she get's under that down comforter.

WHAT WAS I THINKING? Wishful thinking is like a form of delusion, just flat out crazy. Babygirl did start off pretty calm laying there, getting all cozy, before she poked me in my eye, sat up, bothered Babymama, and declared that the sun was up, roosters had already crowed and surely we had to get up too.

After 20mins, Babygirl and I started our Sunday at 7AM. Good thing I don't think Babygirl is despicable, nor am I delusional for loving this girl, but boy do I miss sleeping in on Sun's.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yoga Baby

One of the interesting things about blogging as well as reading blogs is the fact that you're not sure how many people are actually reading the actual blog, or people who stumble across my blog by googling search words such as: "caffeine" or "frantic nurse," etc.

Very few people tend to leave comments here at cornucopiandad, but when people do, Babydaddy is definitely one to respond. So this post goes out to my friend way out there in China who asked for pics of Babygirl doing downward facing dog, so here we go.

Also feel free to post comments, and let it be known that you're a lover or a hater.

*sorry for the droopy cloth diapers




Rockin' the new Cons for 1st day of Daycare! Can ya tell Babygirl loves stickers?