Friday, January 29, 2010


Babygirl repeatedly said the following today: "I want to eat poopies," while I was changing her diapers, and "I poop on daddy," while sitting on my lap as if I was her potty. Should I be concerned?

On another note, Babygirl continues to push the limits of how trendy she is. As most fashionable women, she's all about the oversized shirts, and not afraid of showing legs with or with out tights. Her pink pail doubles as her "football helmet," and as an all purpose retro purse for her "trips to the store," or "work."

madi 002

In all honesty, Babygirl is starting to potty train so sometimes she's running around with her big girl "elmo underwear" on or simply just running around commando, which she thoroughly enjoys despite it being winter in a home whose thermostat settings are very conservative. I can't help thinking that sometimes she's dressed like all the college girls, perhaps this is something I should worry about more than poop.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Due to lack of time and holidays, Babydaddy has so much to share, so this will be an abridged version of things perhaps to come in the near future.

Babygirl can now:
-levitate off the ground when she jumps(previously both feet would not leave the ground when she would say she was "jumping."

-imagination gone wild: she has a toy lizard which has a tongue that's a measuring tape, it was a hand me down toy for someone. Babygirl calls it her "puppy." After spending holidays with pampa and nana's dogs Stubby+Ella and "Uncle JoJo and Sha Sha's" dog Pennie, she too has a dog. She will yell "Pup-pee!, cahm here" when she's looking for the toy. She also very persistent with having Babymama and I "walk the dog" to the "dog park" or to the doorway so that it can go to the bathroom.

-babydoll(s) and George continue to be part of the various activities of her life, the big thing is "Everybody Eats," which is a recreation of Thanksgiving Day dinner with placemats, plates, plasticware, etc. Also now that she has her own "tea set," she's serving tea every afternoon and just about every hour.

-music has always been something she enjoys, any real piano or the various xylophones she has are all fun to bang on. Lately she's into drumming on paper plates with Babydaddy. Babydaddy took an African Handrumming class and learned that every human is a natural born drummer.

-sense of humor/manipulation: when she doesn't want to sleep she'll cry so that she can be rocked again or so that she can get another Christmas song out of us. Her ultimate trump card while crying with tears is to say "pooopie!" Babydaddy would fall for this take her to the changing table where, after undressing her, she's dry as any desert. At that point she'll let out a "ha, ha, ha"(in a very sinister way) and also say things like "I all-star?"

she has also begun to experiment with her cute eyes, and is on her way to mastering the Bambi look. The other day babygirl comes up to me, uses a higher pitched, sweet sounding voice, gives me the big eye look and then immediately looks down and asks if she can watch "Big Burd"(aka: Follow that Bird dvd. Of course since Babydaddy is so mean, I said "no," and re-directed her.

-Vocab/words: Babygirl is just talking up a storm these days, repeating phrases and words that you don't think she would repeat, and beginning to try to say things out of context, which is always funny.

There are probably many more things that Babydaddy is forgetting, more to come later.

On a side note here's a plug for a dad who's also a pediatrician who writes some good stuff: Pediatrics

Babygirl and her grandma