Babygirl has been doing very well with the potty training. Everytime there's a sucessful output it's followed by "Yeah! I went TINKLE!" Sometimes this will be followed by, "I WANT PINK AND BLUE!" which refers to candy that she would receive as an incentive for going to the potty. Since she only likes pink an blue things, she only requests a pink and blue skittle(tropical flavors).
Babygirl typically doesn't make an announcement re: poop, just because she's still working on it. When the poop does end up in the potty versus her diapers when she's napping or sleeping, or simply in her underwear. She's very descriptive in what kind of poop it is, there's been "ice cream, rock, and macaroni poop."
When she's so enthralled in her activity like eating, or watching TV, or watching TV and eating, she may not make it to the potty in time. This typically lead to tears, where poor Babygirl is upset and ashamed that she couldn't make it to the potty. Of course Babymamma and Babydaddy just reassure her and clean up the mess. Shortly afterwards, Babygirl will say "accidents happen," in the cutest nonchalant voice that's part statement, and part apology.
Babymamma and Babydaddy have been blessed with not having to deal with massive poop explosions in the middle of the night that require stripping the crib while half asleep. Although, in the last week they've had to strip the bed in the AM two times due to Babygirl waking up and stating that the bed was wet.
Ya see, Babygirl takes a while to fall asleep, somtimes she'll thrash around, sometimes she'll sing songs, recite her ABC's, talk to her stuffed animals, etc. Her latest trick is to undue her sleeper and take off her diaper and fall asleep commando style(for some reason she keeps her top shirt on). Of course if Babymamma and Babydaddy are not aware of this before they go to sleep, that's when the AM tinkle happens in her crib instead of the potty.
Tonight Babymamma, had the idea to make Babygirl wear her sleeper Kriss Kross style, that's right. . .backwards. This way Babygirl will never be able to pull down the zipper on her sleeper and get undressed, keeping her diaper on, and crib dry, hooray!
Happy Easter ya'll!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
"Accidents Happen"
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wasn't I Right. . .
. . .just call Babydaddy the Sartorialist, well maybe not yet. Earlier Babydaddy posted about how fashion fwd Babygirl was. Did anyone else catch the cover of Urbanoutfitters' spring catalog? They're basically wearing the same outfit, no?
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Thursday, March 4, 2010
Choosing a Pediatrician
Since Babydaddy works at a health center, and knows all of the pediatricians here, it was a no brainer, when it came to where Babygirl would get her medical care. Not only is it great that her doctor is my colleague, I also get full access to her medical records, which is a nice bonus.
Babydaddy is aware that choosing a pediatrician can be difficult, and perhaps the following link written by pediatrician may be of help in selecting a doctor.
Other than that Babymamma, Babygirl, and Babydaddy are down to single digits (9 weeks!) before we meet Baby#2!
Babygirl has been working on her lullabies for her sib.