While Babymama is on high alert to pop out baby#2 at anytime, we all decided to run an errand this afternoon that included a trip to the ice cream shop to keep excitement levels in check.
As Babygirl sat on my lap and we shared some sorbet in a waffle cone, Babydaddy couldn't help but soak it all up. Babygirl was very focused on eating her cone, and also willing shared with Babydaddy. Even though Babygirl ate more sorbet than Babydaddy, we had a nice memorable moment.
Babydaddy couldn't help but get all sentimental with the thought this could be one of last non routine moments btwn us before #2 arrives and the chaos begins.
All in all Babygirl has been quite emotional, perhaps due to impending life altering changes, as well as normal developmental stages of "terrible two's." Babygirl has really turned up the nurturing factor- needing to sleep with many more stuffed animals, and needing to take more objects with her when leaving home, and all of sudden, "no thanks, thank you, and please" are just part of the norm. Even in tantrums it's hard to really get upset when there's good manners.
So perhaps this was Babydaddy's and Babygirl's "last dance," but in reality there's so many more first's than last's ahead of all of us.
cam you tell Babygirl enjoys eating blueberry pancakes?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Last Dance
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Babygirl is definitely inquisitive like babymama and is always wanting to know the details of things, especially the relationships btwn things.
For instance, Babygirl will commonly ask babymama, "What's Sally's mom's name?"
Other questions that are commonly asked:
"Who bought me this?"- is it clear that we live in a capitalistic society?
"Do you remember me?"- not sure if she needs the reassurance that she's stuck with babymama and babydadyy for life, or just mimicking Babymama when she asks her if she remembers someone or doing something.
"What that guy doing?"- or replace guy with car, man, etc. This question often comes up when Babygirl and Babydaddy are walking to the train station, and passing by people or parked cars.
"What's his/her name?"- this one occurs in passing, whether when we're on a bike ride or we're out for a run.
There are always the non questions that come up frequently.
"This is blue eyed baby's mom"- apparently Elmo is the mom of her baby doll.
"I see the moon"- could be any time of the day, she swears she see the "crescent moon."
"I see helicopter"- every non commercial plane apparently is a helicopter.
"pick-up truck"- taught her this the other week, and of course she loves to point them out.
"Cars every-where!"- often when we're out for a run, and the intersection is busy with cars.
"daddy, go to your kitchen!"- this is when she wants me not up in her grille, whether it's getting in the way of her TV watching, eating, or wants to play alone.
"I'm not a big girl, I'm a little girl."- typically said when you call her a big girl
"I'm getting bigger and stronger."- she prefers this statement, rather than growing up into a big girl.
Of course there are many more funny and cute things she says. She's definitely ready to be a big sister as best as a 2 year old could be prepared for.