Wednesday, June 30, 2010

eh, father's day

Happy belated Father's Day to all. Hopefully ya'lls were better than Babydaddy's. It was only 3 months ago, for Babydaddy's bday he was all sick and laid up in bed.

This time around Babydaddy was sick once again. This time it was serious, and required trip to ER. Babydaddy had pneumonia. Actually 2nd time in his young life, boo!

To make matters worse, Babygirl was sick all wknd long. Nothing worse that being sick and taking care of a sick child.

Babymama is truly the champ and a hero in the house, holding down the household while chasing 2 kids all by herself, while Babydaddy was recuperating. God bless that Babymama.

ma familia!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Woke up today, and everything was not gray(a pun on the opening line of Guster song).

Woke up at 7:30ish, 15mins after my alarm 1st went off.

Brushed teeth, took a shower. Thought about Baygirl's lunch options for today.

Went upstairs, started coffee, and started making PB+J (Babydaddy's standard lunch) and pita, cheese and tzatziki for Babygirl. Also made some raisin toast for Babygirl's breakfast.

Due to not so gray day, went outside and watered an area of the lawn where Babydaddy is trying to grow grass.

Came back inside, woke up Babygirl. Despite her being 2.5y/o she's like a teen trying to get out of bed at times.

Babygirl refused to go to the potty this AM, and the oppositional/defiant behaviors began.

Started washing dishes before Babygirl demanded that she had to color this AM, and struck a deal with me if that Babydaddy traced her hand, she would eat some food. Surprisingly she kept to her word and began eating breakfast.

By this point Babymama was already up and started playing some music for Babygirl while she was eating breakfast. Shortly after wards she demanded watching Barney. She then began to scream and yell waking up Babyboy, which was definitely grounds for no Barney.

Continued washing dishes that collected over the last 1.5 days.

Getting Babygirl dressed is no easy chore, and this AM did not disappoint. Funny thing is that Babymama and Babydaddy picked out separate outfits for Babygirl that were pretty much identical in look/style. Eventually the offer was made if Babygirl got dressed she could watch Babyboost- that didn't work. Eventually Babygirl did not want to wear Babymama's outfit and demanded to wear purple, she was adamant there was a clean purple shirt. After looking at her drawer, she came back to wearing the original outfit that Babydaddy picked out.

The next chore was getting some sunscreen on her, as well as doing her hair. Babygirl demanded to play with the "shakers" aka medicine bottles. At this time it was 8:40 and she had to be out the door in 15 to get to daycare.

A couple bottles were given, and a single side pony tail was put together.

Somewhere during this time oatmeal was eaten and coffee was drunk by Babydaddy.

Helped babymama get Babygirl into the car, and off then went at 9AM.

Also during this AM, laundry was started, and wash was transferred to dryer. 35 pushups were also snuck in while babygirl was eating breakfast.

Here Babydaddy is working from home for the next hour or so. What a crazy 90mins!

Any tips for AM efficiency?

a sample of Babygirl's play with the "shakers"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can dads and moms really be just friends?

Babydaddy found this article in Babble interesting. For most of Babydaddy's life he has had many platonic relationship with females through high school, college, and grad school. Things did change after marriage, but there continues to be a good group of women that Babydaddy keeps in touch with. Of course some of them are mothers, but most reside far away for playdates and regular stroller walks.

Babymama has a nice collection of mama friends, and I've met most of them. They are all very nice to me, but it's very clear that Babydaddy's presence upsets the balance of things. Babydaddy doesn't necessarily feel excluded, but they're not really his friends

Unsure if it's totally appropriate for Stay At Home Dads to be trolling for female friends, but the options are pretty limited when 90% of stay at home parent happens to be a woman. Babydaddy is not bitter, or even upset, but it can be lonely for us dads. Any thoughts dads?

"just hanging out"


Friday, June 4, 2010

And Then There Were Two. . .

Babygirl has been nothing but gentle and loving with her new baby bro. We're all adjusting, but we're all doing well.

More details/recap of life the past 2 weeks to follow shortly.

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