Thursday, April 21, 2011

When she's 18

Babydaddy can only hope that in 15yrs Babygirl would write a post like this about him and not like this.

Hope everyone has a great wknd!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Many Firsts

Today, Babymama and Babygirl went off to Sesame Street Live(first show/concert), while Babyboy and Babydaddy went for their first run together.

The whole family enjoyed their very own brand new car together this past week.

In a month Babyboy will enjoy his 1st birthday!

In the past month Babygirl has mastered how to use the mousepad on the laptops, and learn how to pause the TV when she has to go to the potty.

In 2 months the whole family will move for the 1st time below the Mason Dixon line.

In 2 months Babydaddy will go from having 3 employers to becoming an entrepreneur/small business owner.

In 4 months Babymama will return to FT work for 1st time in 3.5 years. She will be a FT college prof for the 1st time.

Technically every day is a new day full of new experiences, but sometimes one can lose sight of that when  juggling family, work, home, life, etc.

Babyboy's 1st see saw ride
(sadly not the 1st time a child of mine has worn OSU paraphernalia)

not Babygirl's 1st ice cream cake

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to Get a Ride

Babygirl is no different than any other kid, loves to get a free ride, whether it's being held in someone's arms, piggyback ride, or riding on top of someone's shoulders.

Here are the many ways babydaddy is asked for a ride:

"Can I get a piggyback ride?"

"Dragon(that's babydaddy, see previous post) can I have a ride?"

"Can I pretend to be your backpack?" <----babydaddy's fav, and babygirl's newest way of manipulating her daddy into giving her a ride.