Wow, did not know it's been 3 months since Babydaddy's last threw up a post. Go figure Babydaddy has been more productive with his business blog, so naturally the dad blog has gone by the way side. Well 3 months have gone by and Babyboy is now 2 years old, like he was born in 2010.
As Babydaddy reflects back on the past 760ish days, it almost seems like the amount of life events covered like 1400 days. Here's a crude snap shot of 2 years:
May 2010- BabyBoy was born almost 2 weeks past due in family tradition of emergency c-section
July 2010- Babydaddy gets hit up w/pneumonia for a the 2nd time in his life
Fall 2010- brought on some of the most difficult and stressful challenges at work
Nov 2010- we find Babymama got the FT teaching job, and we'll be moving to TN in the summer, so she cab start teaching in the fall.
Jan 2011- Babyboy started wearing a helmet to reshape his head (unsure of exact start date) Prior to meeting with specialist on head shapes and doctor who invented the helmet, Babyboy also had trips to see a urologist and dermatologist(all for precautionary reasons, and hypervigilant pediatrician)
Jan 2011- Babyboy takes a trip to CA with family, Babyboy gets to dip his toes in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in less than a year, what took Babymama until adulthood to achieve
Feb-April 2011- Babydaddy spent much time and money trying to keep greenbus(our beloved green CR-V) alive
April 2011- Family forced to buy new car, as greenbus is headed for the scrap yard
May 2011- Babyboy no longer has to wear a helmet, and turns 1 years old.
May-June 2011- purging, packing, cleaning, rinse, repeat.
June 2011- we move away from a city that Babymama and Babydaddy arrived in 10 years prior as single, young kids, and left as a married couple with 2 kids. We leave our condo(1st home) vacant with no tenants moving despite valiant efforts to find someone.
July 2011- arrive in our new home after traveling and visiting w/friends and family(in MA, NY, PA, OH, and MI) for the past 2.5weeks.
Aug 2011- the hottest and driest summer in TN history= 5th ring of Dante's Inferno for us northerners. leaves were turning brown and falling by the end of the month.
Sept 2011- tenants move into our condo, babydaddy started teaching, babymama started teaching, babygirl started montessori pre-k, babyboy started to hang out with babydaddy more, babydaddy started paying rent on his own office space.
Dec 2011- finish paying off repair costs for greenbus which we hadn't owned for past 8 months.
Jan 2012- with help of County Sheriff's office we evicted our tenants
Feb 2012- our condo is listed for sale, well below the price we paid for
May 2012- Babymama participates in her 2nd graduation as a faculty member, and completes/survives her 1st year of FT teaching. Babygirl completes her 1st year of pre K. Babydaddy actually has busy days at the office, and Babyboy excited to make it to 2 years old and looking fwd to full summer with his whole family.
On a a side note:
In 2 years Babyboy has taken trips to CA, NC, FL, OH, MI, NY, RI, IL, and PA, and has lived in MA and TN. Also accompanied Babymama to 2 family funerals
Along with the many 1sts that come within the first 2 years of life(scoot crawling, standing, walking, talking, etc.), Babyboy had no trips to ER(thankfully), and has had 4 different regular nanny/babysitters/child care providers.
birth-24months in 3 month intervals