Baby, it's been quite a ride for mamma and I. It's almost 24 hours since we've been participating in our "lock in" at fancy hospital. One can only imagine what the parking costs are going to be (stereotypical dad thought).
Anyways mamma had an eventful evening. It was determined that the pitocin was increasing contractions, and well that got me all exciting thinking that you would be arriving by the morning. Again it's almost noon, and it seems we'll be lucky if peek your head and body out before midnight.
Mamma at 3am decided to get the epidural. Anesthesiologist Resident man was a nice guy. I thought I played some disc with him, but really he just reminded me of Marshall, dude I swam with back in college. Hard to say if his bed side manners were fake or real, but when the 2nd anesthesiologist man came in, I had to ask the nurse if all anesthesiologist residents were cheery and positive, and she said "yes," who knew?
Mamma did really well with all the sharp intsturments involved in the epidura- basically a spinal tap. Since recv'ing the epidural, she has been at peace, sleeping, and getting her rest on.
FYI, if you ever want mamma to ever say "yes," to like. . .borrowing her new car, plagiarizing one of her unpublished poems, etc., all you have to do is slip a little pain med, or general sedative in her drink. Just the smallest of dose gets her initially very happy, giggly, and loopy. The effect is almost immediately after administering such wonder drugs, and then that window of opportunity is closed, but you didn't hear it from me, and I ain't endorsing such practices.
Currently we're on our 3rd midwife, and probably 4th of 5th nurse, talk about lack of continuity of care? If we have to stay here, shouldn't our providers stay here too? All in all, we've been happy with all of our care here, and baby you should be happy too, cuz everyone is rooting for you to come out.
As one nurse predicted, the boys like to stay in mamma's womb, while girls can't wait to get out. so perhaps baby, you're a boy baby, in that case you would be a pretty bad dude!
So baby, dad's thought of pitocin+epidural speeds up our introduction time, in theory is correct, but in real time, well it's out of anyone's control. The good news is that mamma's still oozing and leaking, still experiencing contractions, which all indicates progress. BTW, good baby, for not continuing to want to poop in the womb and swim up all in that junk :)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
What do contractions feel like?
Nurse Jo, very nice nurse who stayed and worked with us through out the wee hours of the AM, states contractions feel like the brain freeze sensation when you bite into cold ice cream. Except if one is having labor pains are in the back, the pain feel like it's shooting up your ass, although in reality there's nothing shooting up, rather it is a downward moving sensation since ultimately the baby is shooting on out downwards. Well at least that's what I'm hoping for :) Things you learn while sleeping on the cot in the labor room.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
moisture:precipitation as pitocin:relief
Well it's fastly approaching the dawning of a new day. Baby we've seen a midwives shift change, as well as 2 nursing shift change. As we enter this last day of January, you've failed your dad in coming a day late, and already losing what little college fund he had saved up. I imagine it won't be the first or last time daddy gambles away the savings, jk.
On a brighter note, mamma loves to monitor her contractions on the machine that gives her an output of how intense things are as well as how fast your hear rate is. Mamma has been experiencing more contractions, and some have even been intense.
While things were calm, dad got to go get some food, where a woman felt up his stomach by a complete stranger. Not because I'm pregnant, because she wanted to emphasize that I'm skinnier than she is and that I was getting a salad for dinner instead fries. Stay in a hospital long enough, all the crazies start talking to you.
Baby, you're going to enjoy this liquid goo stuff that's being shot into mamma's hand. It's going to intensify these contractions and cause you to shoot on out at some point. Mamma's resting up for the push, and well I'm about to caffeinate myself to be ready to push on through as well.
You rest up and hold on for the big squeeeze!
"why are you on the computer?"
So baby we finally brought you to your first "lock in." It's been about 4 hours since we arrived, and well you haven't done much.
The good thing is that mamma feels that we're in a good labor room, although with it's 15inch TV from the 70's, and a HVAC system just as old, most of my physical movements have been going back and forth to the thermostat to adjust it when it's too hot or too cold.
Mamma is currently sleeping, which is wise, since who knows how long we'll be here. Even though it's been many hours since the water broke, you're still very content and happy in the womb. We're not scary people I swear. What up with all this passive laboring? We want mamma screaming, kicking, threatening dad, and some pushing. Guess you're going to make us wait some more
What we do know is that you're starting to poop a bit, not too much, but it's enough for people to be cautious and keep us here, and induce labor. Getting back to the fancy hospital, this mysterious gel that makes mamma's cervix open up like cavern is lost on route. Can we get a tracking code like UPS? We hope that this little bit of pooping lasts until potty training, seriously not looking fwd to monstrous ass explosions.
So baby, it looks like you may not make the Jan 30th, as predicted birth. At least mamma gets to sleep and I get to be lazy and chill.
What would labor rooms be like without wifi? Thanks to wifi, friends continue to IM me asking why I'm on the computer? Cuz I can, and have nothing else to do. C'mon baby lets get it going!
Why would you be on call?!?
I was in the ER when the I recv'd the call stating that your mom's water had broke. The only problem was that I was not in the ER of the hospital we would be delivering.
I was actually on call tonight, and got called in to do an eval on sad pregnant girl. While I was just wrapping everything up. The charge nurse informs me that there is another eval. I announce to the ER nursing staff that I will not be able to start this eval, cuz I needed to go back home to be with mamma who's water just broke. One of the old ladies who works the phone in the ER says, "why would you be on call?!?"
Well kid, here's the story, you're a week late, and you don't have a barcode we can scan to see when you'll be due. Rather in 2008, nurses/midwives continue to use this paper dial that supposedly estimates when you were to be born. So their projections are looking to be more than a week off.
Why was I on call when I should have been with mamma you ask? Well dad's gotta work, and especially enjoys getting paid to sleep, although I got called in. Good things I was able to wrap things up with teary pregnant girl. The drive back from the hospital that I work at was surreal, the thoughts of meeting you, all the things we would do together just became more vivid and intense. I'm surprised I even got a couple of hours of sleep.
It's now morning time when I would usually hop on my bike and head into work, but mamma's pretty sure we're going to the hospital. Mamma's snoring as she has been for the last 4 months, and my guess is when she wakes up, shower, shits, and eat, we'll be on our way for our "lock in" at fancy hospital.
Here's hoping that my prayers are answered for an efficient and speedy arrival. Hold on tight