Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why would you be on call?!?

I was in the ER when the I recv'd the call stating that your mom's water had broke. The only problem was that I was not in the ER of the hospital we would be delivering.

I was actually on call tonight, and got called in to do an eval on sad pregnant girl. While I was just wrapping everything up. The charge nurse informs me that there is another eval. I announce to the ER nursing staff that I will not be able to start this eval, cuz I needed to go back home to be with mamma who's water just broke. One of the old ladies who works the phone in the ER says, "why would you be on call?!?"

Well kid, here's the story, you're a week late, and you don't have a barcode we can scan to see when you'll be due. Rather in 2008, nurses/midwives continue to use this paper dial that supposedly estimates when you were to be born. So their projections are looking to be more than a week off.

Why was I on call when I should have been with mamma you ask? Well dad's gotta work, and especially enjoys getting paid to sleep, although I got called in. Good things I was able to wrap things up with teary pregnant girl. The drive back from the hospital that I work at was surreal, the thoughts of meeting you, all the things we would do together just became more vivid and intense. I'm surprised I even got a couple of hours of sleep.

It's now morning time when I would usually hop on my bike and head into work, but mamma's pretty sure we're going to the hospital. Mamma's snoring as she has been for the last 4 months, and my guess is when she wakes up, shower, shits, and eat, we'll be on our way for our "lock in" at fancy hospital.

Here's hoping that my prayers are answered for an efficient and speedy arrival. Hold on tight

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