Tuesday, February 10, 2009

book binder?

If someone had asked me what fatherhood comprised of, I would most likely have answered them with the following possible answers:
-a gentle caring role model who is always there to protect their child
-someone who's fun but fair
-someone to help in the development of a child's personality, morality, character, values, etc.

Never would have I thought that it involved rinsing out cloth diapers, scheming ways to fattening up Babygirl, or letting her go to bed with my chapstick. I always knew that there would come a time when I would fix her bicycle, untie knots, fix broken zippers, crazy glue science fair projects together, but never would I have thought that I would venture into the world of book binder.

To be exact, I've yet to bind any books, but I do some magic work with clear packing tape, especially with babygirl's pop-up books. Sure pop-up books are visually stimulating and add depth to what's going on in a story book, but c'mon, babies like to grab, rip and tear.

I guess in reality fatherhood is comprised of many little things and perhaps a few very big things. I wonder when I'll get to start fixing things with duct tape?


Headshot for Spy Kids audition

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