Wednesday, March 4, 2009


For whatever reason, my schedule allowed me this past Sunday to run errands with Babygirl. I got out of work early, and Babymamma had some assignments to finish, so she sent me on the monthly Trader Joe's run, while also stopping at the New Balance Outlet Store to return some shoes.

You can only imagine that Babydaddy was excited to go out alone with his Babygirl. Babygirl was well behaved in the car, we sang some songs, and ran our errands. Despite the craziness of crashing carts at TJ's, and mad white people sporting Patagonia, Mountain Hardware, North Face, Marmot, and Arc'Teryx all for a shopping trip on a cold Sunday in the city via car(not by bike, snowshoeing, skiing, etc. This is obviously a whole different topic, but c'mon is it really necesary?).

Anyways, after a successful trip and many laps around the store, we left feeling good. No meltdowns, no crying, Babygirl was happy with some pretzels and a bottle of water. On the way home, I glanced back and noticed her sleeping, and also that a shoe was missing! I waved my arm towards the floor hoping that Babygirl had kicked it off while I was still driving, no shoe. When we arrived home, there was no shoe to be found anywhere, but Babygirl was still asleep.

After handing Babygirl to Babymamma, I said, "We lost a shoe, I'm going back to TJ's to find her shoe." She was like "Really?" "Ya shoes are expensive, . . . peace." In the back of my neurotic mind I was thinking, "Great, the one time that I go out with Babygirl I lose a shoe, this will be the last time I'll get to go out unsupervised, or more importantly it shows how I'm really careless, or can't multi-task, etc., etc."

Doubling back to TJ's with some traffic, I got to the parking lot, and lo and behold, found the shoe underneath a Porsche SUV(what kind of outdoorware do you think the owner was sporting?), the shoe must have fallen off when I hastily took Babygirl out of the shopping cart and into the cat. Not sure why I was hurrying, yes it was cold outside, but it's not like the car was warm.

Lesson learned, no more hasty exits from the shopping cart, therefore avoiding to double back, waste gas, waste money, and waste time on a Sunday. Worst of all, by the time I came back, Babygirl was already in bed, doh!

Am I still in the running for Babydaddy of the year?

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