Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stall Tactics

Since Babygirl has become a big sister, the good sleeper she is disappeared. Also add that Babymama and Babydaddy made her say goodbye to her binkie, that has also disrupted our good sleeper.

Here are the most common ways Babygirl will try to prolong sleepytime.

"I have to go potty"- How could you deny a toddler who wants to use her potty instead of pissing on the bed or in her pull up? The solution is to let her go to the potty. Sometimes she actually goes, sometimes she forces the smallest puddle of urine to prove her point that she had to go. Often she just sits and stalls.

"My bottom is itchy"- This is often not true, but on occasion she could be sporting a diaper rash, or what not. The solution is usually to apply some cream.

"I'm not feeling well" or "I need a washcloth"- Babygirl was sick a couple of wknds ago, and due to her fever she would often get a wash cloth to just keep her temp down and what not. She also heard from us that she wasn't feeling well. The solution is to usually get a slightly damp wash cloth for her and to reassure that she's okay and just needs to sleep if she's not feeling well.

"I need a song"- Sometimes Babymama and Babydaddy will sing her a song, sometimes babygirl demands a song. The solution is to just sing a song.

"Lay down with me"- Good thing Babygirl just took over the guestbed, and sleeps on the queen size bed. So often times Babymama and Babydaddy will lay down with her to read her stories, or to just help her settle down. The solution is to lay down with her until she's feeling calm.

"I need_____"- The blank can range from "blue eyed baby," "cotton candy bear," "toy story ticket," "magic wand," etc. The solution is to hunt down the random object as fast as possible, which really could be on any 2 levels of our condo.

"I need ice water"- In transitioning Babygirl from the milk bottle at night, we switched to the luxury item of "ice water." Ever since then, Babygirl asks for "ice water" before falling asleep each night. The solution is to fetch ice water. Babygirl may be the highest utilizer of the ice maker in our freezer in the whole family.

"I feel scared"- Not sure where she got this from. Not even sure Babygirl knows what "scared" means, but she knows that it gets a response from adults. The solution is to just respond to her and soothe.

I'm sure there are some more classic stall tactics, but these seem to be the most popular ones.

summer reading


  1. Sounds like Colin. I feel your pain. :( But aren't they so clever? ;)

  2. Clever indeed. One of the newest one's is, "I need a shirt." Since it's been hot out, and there's no AC in Babygirl's room sometimes she'll go to bed without a shirt, but of course she'll ask for one, well, just because she can :)
