Thursday, January 12, 2012

Developing Mad Skills, yo!

Fatherhood presents many challenges, but also many opportunities to learn.

Here's some of Babydaddy's growing skill set(in no particular order):
-making up creative names for foods(daddy cheesy bread, not to be mistaken with "cheesy bread" or Texas Toast, red worm pasta, etc.)
-aspirating boogies from noses(if only this was a marketable skill or a skill that could be monetized, the kids would be paying cash for college)
-holding a child and doing a chore or simply going to the bathroom
-finding that inanimate object that's going to entertain for the next 5 mins
-clipping nails or as Babymama likes to call it "dad-icures"
-doing things over and over and not getting sick of it(listening or singing the same songs, or reading books)
-foraging(not plated) for snacks that the kids left behind for Babydaddy

what skills have you developed or working on?


1 comment:

  1. The golden aspirator trophy is yet to be invented, but you would definitely win it.
