Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is IUD the bomb?

IUD or IED, what's the difference? Intra-Uterine Device or Improvised Explosive Device, often times both are difficult to find, and both are used as a prevention method.

In the case of IED, they're often buried in the road so unwanted vehicles or people(aka, US soldiers occupying foreign land) going by would detonate the explosive devise. In the case of an IUD, it's typically carefully implanted by the Gynecologist which prevents from sperm from fertilizing an egg, as well as if an egg was fertilized it would have difficulty attaching to the uterus.

Why is this an important note to dads? Well sometimes Moms like to get Dads involved in the birth control process, whether is equal sharing of who buys the condoms, to the the dad who reminds the mom to take the birth control pills, etc. As this article states, IUD are not too popular in the US, while in other parts of the world, it's widely used amongst women. I am sure there are many woman who dread the idea of going back on the pill, the possible weight gain, the hormonal changes/imbalances, etc.

Perhaps the Dads out there can suggest the IUD, no hormones, low cost, no mess. While the NuvaRing is similar, other than you have to keep putting it in and taking it out, I've heard it was never designed for women who are sexually active with well endowed man(true story, personal friend had to call NuvaRing customer service on why the ring wasn't working for her and her man).

What would be best form of birth control for your family? IUD, BCP, Tubectomy, Vasectomy?

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