Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Babydaddy has always enjoyed accents, and of course he always liked the English(UK) accent. Growing up in Canada, of course he was oblivious to Canadian accent, then moving to Michigan, who would have thought there was a Midwester accent? Going to college in Western PA he got exposed to Pittsburgh-ese, and of course moving to the Bean got him exposed to a whole new version of English, as well as the Irish brogue.

Come to think of it growing up in Toronto he also went to a school with a lot of Jamaicans, so he was definitely used to (one, two, tree, etc). Braveheart, Shrek(Mike Meyers), and Trainspotting got him into the Scottish accent.

Before babygirl could speak, he always wondered how she would sound-0f course it's sweet and totally cute. Happy to say she has yet to pick up any accent, if anything she pronounces things as she sees fit, and makes up her own words.

Of course the day Babymama reported that Babygirl has picked up on some of the subtleties of her daycare teacher, who's Jamaican, such as "wash yor hahnds," Babygirl also likes to say "you's." She also says "yah" like a Black lady. Babydaddy always though she would pick up a Scottish or English accent, since that's the accent most of her books are read in(what else is a dad to do when he has to read the same books over and over, might as well practice some accents).

Then again Babydaddy should have known, growing up in a city, and living in a diverse neighborhood, Babygirl was bound to pick up a hodge podge of accents. I'm sure it's only a matter of going to school she'll be exposed to a wicked good accent.

recent photo of our hipstah baby

1 comment:

  1. LOLOL! She's soooo cute!! I hate the Boston accent... but i suppose if it came from Madi, it aint too bad yo. ;)
